Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well some of you asked me to post about my school classes. So here I go. This quarter I am taking Math, which I had to starte at the bottom of the chain because it has been five years since I have taken a math class and I have forgotten so much of it. So that is going well. I have about 8 classmates, we watch out instructor live on TV. Its not that bad. Then I have a Music appreciation class. This is fun, I geth to learn about the different eras and such.This class meets two times a week for a lecture, then I do all of my assignments online. Next is a computer skills class. I always used to type like a chicken pecks, so I thought that it would be good if I did better at that, it is also a class that teaches you the correct form to write a letter, and also teaches you how to use power point, excel, ect. My problem is that this is a work at your own pace class. So I do and that meanas I am currently about a week behind. :) And yes I am typing this post the "correct" way.
I just registered for my classes today for spring quarter. I am signed up for math, geography, and phisics (which I am dropping tomorrow and taking something else, I don't know what yet but something else).
So I like being back in school, it is different then I remember. There are so many people going back to school because of being laid off of work. But it's good. In the end I have about 3 years of school and I should walk away with my degree in Dental Hygene.


Autumn said...

I imagine you skipping to class wearing pigtails and a plaid skirt! haha
Just kidding.

I'm very proud of you and your choice to go back to school. These classes sound great- except for the physics class. {Yuck.}
I could never grasp the whole typing correctly thing. I too peck on the keyboard... but I am super fast at it.

I think you'll be an awesome Dental Hygenist. :) Maybe after time, you can go back to school to become a Dentist?

Good luck and have a fun time with your schooling!

You are in in our prayers, sweetie.

The Girls' Mom said...

Good luck Rebekah! good for you going back to school, I hope to do that some day too.

courtney said...

Keep working hard!

I think it is totally awesome that you are back in school. I think a few years off gives you the appreciation for school when you go back, and a maturity to want to do well.

Baden and Emily said...

I am so jealous you are taking geography next semester. It is my all time favorite subject! Looks like things are going good, I hope to hear from you soon!

Unknown said...

Dental Hygeine will be so great for you. I can just see it now. You'll be awesome! I'm glad to see you typing better now too. :)

literaqueen said...

I'm proud of you going back to school, Rebekah. You rock!

Shaina said...

Hope your classes are continuing to go well!! It's tough to get into the focus of school again...especially when you have the girls to care for too. You can do it!! WE are all so proud of you.